Ultra Fatra - extrémny beh
Ultra Fatra - extrémny beh


1. Each participant is obliged to follow the instructions of the organizer and the people commissioned by him.
2. Only people over 18 years-old are allowed to participate in the race.
3. Each participant of the race, , who registers, pays the starting fee, takes out a valid insurance and starts the race declares:

  1. Has the required knowledge about the race and confirms that is physicaly and mentaly capable of participating in Ultra Fatra, doesn’t suffer from any serious illness, and acknowleges the suggestion to undergo an individual medical examination before the race.
  2. Is aware that the organizer is responsible only for the permission to organize the race and use of the place for the start, finish and the hiking trails in the National Park of Veľká Fatra. The organizer is not responsible and offers no guarantee for the track state, hiking trails and their function or specific conditions of the race which are influenced for example by the weather or the mountain enviroment. If the participant uses any public road or traffic areas during the race, he/she is aware that it is neccessary to follow the trafic rules
  3. Is aware of all the consequences related to the participation in the race, which he/she is attending at his/her own responsibility and risk. He/she is also aware, that he cannot ask for any financial compensation or enforce other claims in the event of any health or property harm. The organizer is not responsible for the health or life of the participant during the sport race Ultra Fatra nor during practice or voluntary events.
  4. Is aware that the organizer doesn’t take responsibility for the damage on the left-off and transported stuff.
  5. Was thoroughly instructed about the race process and other dangers related to the race or practice
  6. Was introduced to the rules of the race and is informed about the safety as well as fair-play.
  7. Agrees that his/her participation and achieved performance during the race would be taken into record audiovisually by the organizer or by a person commissioned by him. The participant gives permission to the organizer to use the audiovisual records, photographs or results made before, during or after the race Ultra Fatra. And that is without any entitlement to a bonus.
  8. Is aware that noone is allowed to take pictures, record on a videocamera or any mobile device or record the race in any other way before, during and after the race, without a previous permission from the orginazer and a proper accreditation. Records made for your own purposes and needs and an exception.
  1. The participant agrees to abide by the basic rules for visitors of the Veľká Fatra National Park. Each participant of the race will also fully respect the Act No. 326/2005 Coll. on forests, as amended §31, and is aware of the consequences for violating them.
  2. The participant is obliged to provide first aid to the injured competitor.In case of injury or other physical failure of another person, all participants are obliged to report this condition to the Veľká Fatra Fire Brigade and also to the organizer at +421 908 032 350
  3. Only persons complying exclusively with the rules of the race, in good health and must not be under the influence of alcohol, narcotics and other psychotropic substances may participate in the race.
  4.  The organizer or a person authorized by him/her has the right to stop a participant whose current state of health makes it obvious and foreseeable that he/she will not be able to complete the route (obvious injury, excessive exhaustion), i.e. his/her further progress would pose an unreasonable risk. The stopped competitor is no longer registered as a participant in the Ultra Fatra race.
  5. If the weather deteriorates extremely or a change in the weather is evident (severe storm activity, hail, strong winds, bad weather conditions), the organizer has the right to suspend the race, postpone the start or modify the route.
  6. The race has three categories in which the results will be announced men, women, running with a dog.


  1. Each participant of the Ultra Fatra race is obliged to secure, verify and prove himself suitable insurance for organized public sport and tourist events, covering the intervention of the Mountain Rescue Service, hereinafter referred to as HZS, in Slovakia, valid on the day of the race.
  2. The insurance must be appropriate to his/her state of health and the environment in which the race will take place.
  3. The race organizer is in no way responsible for the type of insurance taken out by the participant for the Ultra Fatra race. The above mentioned pages are for informational purposes only.


  1. The participant is obliged to present a negative test or COVID passport based on the current valid measures in the Slovak Republic.


  1. Before registering, you need to create a mandatory account at www.vysledkovyservis.sk/ultra-fatra-prihlaska, and fill in the mandatory fields for registration.
  2. After creating an account, the participant has the opportunity to purchase an entry fee. The entry fee can be paid directly by credit card or by bank transfer.
  3. When paying by credit card, the participant gets on the start list immediately. If paying by bank transfer, the participant has 5 days to pay. For the whole 5 days the place on the start list is reserved for him, but he will appear on the start list only after the payment of the fee.If the entry fee is not credited to the account within 5 days, the competitor is automatically dropped from the start list and is replaced by the first substitute from the waiting list in chronological order of time.
  4. Each participant must create a separate account and pay a registration fee. It is not possible to purchase the entry fee for more than one person under one account.
  5. When the entry limit for the race set by the organizer is reached, the waiting list will be opened automatically. Runners will be added to the waiting list by creating an account on www.vysledkovyservis.sk/ultra-fatra-prihlaska and filling in the mandatory fields, identically as during registration. There is no fee for being placed on the waiting list.
  6. Registration for the race is date limited, at the discretion of the organizer, and is not accepted after the entry limit has been met or after the registration period has expired.
  7. The organizer has the right to cancel the race. The participant will be notified in advance by e-mail. If he does so:
    – until 30.6.2024 – in this case the fixed non-refundable cost is 20 EUR, the rest will be refunded to the account. The products “transport”, “accommodation”, “t-shirt” are non-refundable.
    – after 1.7.2024 – the entry fee will be non-refundable due to the costs incurred to organize the race.
  8. The products “transport”, “t-shirt”, “accommodation” can be purchased individually without the obligation to pay the entry fee. Yes, this can be done by a person who has not paid the entry fee and just wants to sleep, transport or a T-shirt.
  9. On the protection of personal data to the management, processing and storage of personal data requested in the registration form by the Slovak Ultra Trail civil association, based in Bratislava, Nejedlého 41, 841 02 Bratislava, IČO. 42364582 for the purpose of registration for the Ultra Fatra event.


The registration fee is 65 € and includes:

  • Refreshments on the track 4x
  • Timekeeping with intermediate times at checkpoints / 4 intermediate times + one finish time, race evaluation
  • Finish and start area
  • Presence of emergency services on the checkpoints throughout the race
  • Transfer of belongings and luggage up to 15 kg, from the starting point to the school premises Gymnasium St. Andrew, Square A. Hlinku 5, Ružomberok
  • Dinner and beer at the finish
  • Shower after the race at the finish in the gymnasium
  • Gifts for the first three category winners


  1. Once the start list is full, runners are automatically placed on a waiting list. Runners are added to the waiting list by creating an account at www.vysledkovyservis.sk/ultra-fatra-prihlaska and filling in the required fields, identically to the registration. There is no fee for being placed on the waiting list.
  2. The waiting list will be published www.vysledkovyservis.sk/ultra-fatra-cakacka
  3. Substitutes shall be added to the waiting list chronologically by date and time of registration.
  4. From the waiting list, replacements are approached sequentially starting with the oldest applicant historically.
  5. They are contacted by email asking them to pay the entry fee of 60 euros within 48 hours – payment by credit card.
  6. They are contacted in case of cancellation of a runner or in case a runner on the start list has not paid the entry fee, i.e. a place on the start list has become vacant.
  7. If the entry fee is not paid within 48 hours, the next alternate on the waiting list will be contacted.
  8. If the competitor pays the fee, automatically he is taken off the waiting list and placed on the start list. If the competitor wants additional items (t-shirt, accommodation, bus) he has to buy them separately under his created account (i.e. they do not overwrite with).
  9. The waiting list will not be available for registration until 19.7.2024, at 8:00 PM.


Cancellation of participation can be done by two options Exchange of competitor or Cancelation of comeptitor

! In case of competitor exchange/cancellation, swapping between male and female categories is permitted. The category with a dog has dedicated, separate spots; therefore, interchange with other categories is not possible.

Exchange of competitor: 

  1. Available purchase until 14.7.2024 – 8:00 p.m.
  2. After logging into the competitor’s account on the website ” www.vysledkovyservis.sk” it is possible to overwrite the competitor’s data. It is thus possible to exchange competitors, free of charge.
  3. All purchased transport/accommodation/t-shirt products will be automatically credited to the new competitor.
  4. It is mandatory to overwrite all competitor’s data.

Cancellation of a competitor :

  1. Available purchased until 7.7.2024 –  8:00 p.m.
  2. In case of cancellation, in order to start the process you need to write a request to the email address: prihlaska@vysledkovyservis.sk
  3. Your request will be handled by return email within the next working day. The email will contain information with the next procedure (date- when to expect the return payment / completion of information- we are missing the account number / need to wait to close the number of 10 pcs open cancellation).
  4. In case of cancellation there will be a refund of 40 euros of the entry fee.
  5. Procedurally, it is only possible to have a maximum of 10 100 competitors open. Cancellation of competitors is considered open until the substitute on the waiting list has paid the entry fee, which will be credited to the account number. If the limit of 10 open cancellations is exceeded, the process will not begin until the number of open cancellations falls below 10.
  6. Cancellation is only possible if there are substitutes on the waiting list.
  7. When Cancellation items “t-shirt”, “accommodation”, “transport” are non-refundable



  1. Each participant has the right to use the transfer of belongings and luggage up to 15 kg, necessary for sleeping and participation in the race.
  2. The transfer is provided by the organizer from the starting point, immediately after the start to the premises of the school Gymnasium St. Andrew, Square A. Hlinku 5, 03450 Ružomberok.
  3. The organizer does not take responsibility for luggage.


  1. The organizer does not ensure the transfer of competitors to the finish if they decide to end the race early or if the race is cancelled. This also applies if the organiser or a person authorised by the organiser stops a participant in the race due to his/her current state of health.
  2. After purchasing the product “transport”, under your account, at www.vysledkovyservis.sk/ultra-fatra-prihlaska, you are entitled to a bus transfer from St. Andrew’s Gymnasium, Square A. Hlinku 5, Ružomberok to the starting area parking lot in front of the building Mestské lesy s.r.o., Dolný Harmanec 51. The time of transport can be adapted by the organizer to the actual conditions.
  3. Can be purchased until 26.7.2024 – 8:00 p.m.
  4. The fee is non-refundable
  5. The products “transport”, “T-shirt”, “accommodation” can be purchased individually without the obligation to pay the entry fee.


  1. After purchasing the product “accommodation”, under your account, at www.vysledkovyservis.sk/ultra-fatra-prihlaska, you are entitled to a night’s stay in the gymnasium on the floor of the Gymnasium St. Andrew, Námestie Andreja Hlinku 5, Ružomberok the night before the race and the night after the race. Shower and toilet available. Sleeping bag and mattress must be provided by runner. The night quiet is at 22:00 valid with lights out.
  2. Can be purchased until 26.7.2024 – 8:00 p.m.
  3. The fee is non-refundable
  4. The products “transport”, “T-shirt”, “accommodation” can be purchased individually without the obligation to pay the entry fee.


  1. After purchasing the product “T-shirt”, under your account, at www.vysledkovyservis.sk/ultra-fatra-prihlaska, is entitled to personal collection of the T-shirt at the place of destination. IIn case you cannot come for personal collection, the T-shirt can be sent to the appropriate address. The T-shirt will be sent after the payment of a fee of 5 euros to the bank account. To send the T-shirt, please contact us at ultrafatra@gmail.com.
  2. Can be purchased until 30.6.2024 –  8:00 p.m.
  3. The fee is non-refundable.
  4. The products “transport”, “T-shirt”, “accommodation” can be purchased individually without the obligation to pay the entry fee.


  1. All competitors must be present in person at the presentation and do so at the time designated by the race organizer.
  2. Each competitor must have a valid form of identification (ID card or passport) with them during registration, which will be used for verification.
  3. During the presentation, each participant must show proof of valid and appropriate insurance and mandatory equipment.


  1. Only persons who have paid the full amount of the entry fee, are registered in the start list, show an identity document that is identical to the name of the competitor on the start list, and have a document proving that they have “compulsory insurance”.
  2. Each competitor must have a starting number appropriately placed on his/her backpack or outer garment so that the number is visible throughout the race.
  3. Each competitor will walk the entire length of the course. From the starting point to the finish line, he/she must pass through all checkpoints and undergo, perform an inspection. At the finish line he/she is obliged to prove his/her presence at the checkpoints. If he exceeds the stop limit – Smrekovica by 16:30 and does not manage to cover the entire course within the time limit set by 20:00, he will be excluded from the race. After exceeding these limits he will be placed on the results list as disqualified- DSQ. From the moment the time limit is exceeded he is not a participant in the Ultra Fatra race.
  4. The route of the Ultra Fatra race leads through the National Park Veľká Fatra, with the start in Dolný Harmanec, along the marked trail to: Japeň – Staré Hory – Majerova skala – Pod Líškou – Krížna – Ostredok – Ostredok crossroads – Koniarky – Chyžky – Chata pod Borišovom – Ploská – Sedlo Ploskej – sedlo pod Čiernym kameňom – Rakytovské sedlo (south) – Rakytov – Rakytovské sedlo (north) – Smrekovica – Nižné Šiprúnské sedlo – Vyšné Šprúnské sedlo – sedlo pod Vtáčnikom – Malina, hotel – Vlkolínské lúky – Sidorovo – Kalvária – Ružomberok na námestí A. Hlinku.
  5. Each participant will be checked at live checkpoints located along the entire length of the route. He/she is obliged to make sure that his/her participation at these checkpoints is recorded.
    At the finish line the participant is confronted with the reality of his presence at the checkpoints. Only a participant who has reached the finish within the time limit of 13 hours, has met all the limits on the course and has physically attended the checkpoints will have the time of reaching the finish indicated on the results list, otherwise he will be disqualified.
  6. The participant shall move only along the designated route, marked hiking trail, during the whole race, he/she shall not intentionally shorten the route and deviate from it, otherwise he/she will be disqualified and will be deprived of the right to take part in the race in the following years.
  7. It is forbidden to litter in the open air as well as in the village. Each participant is obliged to take his/her rubbish with him/her to the finish line or hand it in at the checkpoints, which are also refreshment points.
  8. If a participant decides to quit provisionally during the race, he/she is obliged to inform the race organiser or the controllers at the live checkpoints by phone. He is then obliged to leave the Veľká Fatra National Park by 20:00.In the results list he will be listed as DNF.
  9. If a storm is approaching all participants are forbidden to climb exposed peaks or ridges. If they are on such a part of the route, it is their responsibility to retreat lower or return/advance to the nearest refreshment station.
  10. All competitors are required to carry all mandatory equipment with them throughout their participation in the race. The organiser or those authorised by the organiser reserve the right to check the compulsory equipment at any time during the race and prior to the start of the race. Compulsory equipment includes: proof of compulsory insurance for the intervention of the Fire and Rescue Service as specified in the rules, map, switched on and charged mobile phone with contact details of the organiser, identification, liquid container for 1 litre supply, cup for scooping up water at the refreshment station, medical supplies, isothermal foil ( min220x140 cm ), elastic bandage ( min.100×6 cm), a backpack or a running bag, at least €10 emergency money.For Dogtrekking is added compulsory equipment: leash and collar for the dog, 1 liter of water for the dog, compulsory vaccination, check of the microchipping.
  11. During the race it is forbidden to ingest and use performance-enhancing drugs (anabolics, steroids, hormonal preparations, etc.).
  12. Drinking water and snacks will be provided at the refreshment points. However, it is recommended that you also bring your own supply of food.
  13. Organizer reserves the right to change the route and the program.
  14. Each participant of the event must be aware that he/she will be moving in the environment of the Veľká Fatra National Park and is obliged to comply with the legislation of the Slovak Republic, namely Act No. 543/2002 on the protection of nature and landscape.
  15. Participants of the event must behave respectfully towards nature, they must not unnecessarily deviate from the marked hiking trails and paths, which are the route of Ultra Fatra.
  16. Participants must not litter outside the control points manned by the organisers or public waste bins or containers. Knowingly littering outside the checkpoints or public waste receptacles or containers manned by the organisers is penalised by adding 1 hour to the total time.


  1. During the whole competition the dog is allowed to move in the field only on marked hiking trails.
  2. Free movement of the dog is prohibited during the entire race.
  3. The dog must wear a collar or harness and leash with a maximum length of 2 meters, which is tightly connected to the runner during the whole race.
  4. The runner must wear a seat harness or a waist harness connected to the lead during the entire race. It is not allowed to lead the dog with the leash in hand.
  5. The runner must have at least 1 litre of water for the dog during the race, in addition to his/her own water.
  6. A valid vaccination card must be shown during the presentation and at the start for the dog that will be participating in the race. Vaccination certificate with demonstrable validity of vaccination against rabies.
  7. The dog must be at least 12 months old.



Ultra Fatra - extrémny beh